The Environment Agency have issued another Flood Alert for the Isle of Wight coast.
They say that,
Flooding is possible for: Coast around the Isle of Wight.
Be prepared.
Tuesday morning’s tide at 10:00 on 28/01/2025 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with Westerly Force 5 winds and large waves. The weather increases tide table values by 0.6 m. The total forecast tide is 4.73 metres Chart Datum (2.14 mAOD) at Cowes.
For 1 hour either side of high water, large waves will cause spray overtopping across the exposed coast at Freshwater Bay, Sandown, Shanklin, Gurnard and Ryde.
This may cause minor impact flooding of esplanades, sea front car parks and roads in these locations. As Cowes is sheltered from waves, impacts, if any, will be minimal.
We do not expect property flooding. After this tide, the weather is more settled and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast.
At high tide, avoid parking, walking or driving at exposed sea front locations.
You can follow the Flood Alert on the EA website.