Ventnor Music For Fun Festival

Ventnor’s ‘Music For Fun’ Festival will soon be upon us.

Ventnor Music For Fun FestivalThe organisers had a great response to the call for musicians and confirm that the festival will take place on Thursday 8th November (between 4pm-7pm) and Friday 9th November (between 10am-5pm).

There are a huge numbers of classes competing and members of the general public are encouraged to go along and support those taking part.

As we all know, the Island is bursting with musical talent, so this should be a great couple of days of musical entertainment. We’ll be reporting details of the winners after the event, so check back on VB if you’re not able to attend.

If you’re a budding choral singer, a choral workshop on Friday 9th November between 7pm – 9pm is also planned. Entry to this will be entry £1, for both singers and audience.

If you’d like further information please get in touch with the organisers on 730742.

The venue for the festival is St Catherine’s Church, Ventnor. Refreshments will be available.

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