Ventnor Skate Park Closure: Interview With 10 Year Old Girls: Podcast

Ventnor Skate Park Closure: Interview With 10 Year Old Girls: PodcastThe last of the four chats we had with people using the Ventnor skate park within the space of an hour – there were others to speak to, but we couldn’t get around them all.

These three Ventnor girls, aged around ten, were clearly unhappy about the idea that the skate park might be demolished by the IW council, saying “I don’t want it to be closed down because it’s really fun.”

When asked how much they use it, they told us that it was ‘a lot more’ than once a week in the holiday.

Sounds like they’re pretty hardcore, as they’re even going down there in the Winter holidays!

Again – who would be willing to demolish a skate park and stop people like these girls from using enjoying it?

If you don’t feel it’s right, please feel free to add your comment to our original story. [audio:]