Ventnor Skate Park Closure: Still No Mention in County Press

Ventnor Skate Park Closure: Still No Mention in County PressGood to see this little piece on the CP Website today about the new half pipes being tested for Ryde Skate Park.

It’s also encouraging to see that this skate park has the support from the Ryde Youth Club and the Hampshire Police Authority.

It’s a shame however, that the CP, who we know read VentnorBlog and are aware of the plight of the Ventnor Skate park, have not, to date, published any news about its impending closure – they haven’t even bothered to tack it on the end of this story.

While it’s great that those involved in rebuilding Ryde skate park are clearly making good progress, it’s a little strange that the editor of the CP oversees the running of a story about the ‘testing of a half pipe’ during a week when another park is being threatened with demolition.