Ventnor Skatepark: Wight Trash Transitions Vol 1, Lease Signed, Bardon Vectis & Mountyjoy

It’s no understatement to say that it’s been a pretty good week for the Ventnor Skatepark.

Not only did we get the lease for the Ventnor skatepark signed, so it’s under our control for the next 20 years, but good progress has been made both with the fundraising-CD and sponsors for works needed on the site.

20 year lease
After some back and forth with the council’s property services and parks department (all very friendly), we’ve got ourselves a skate park at Ventnor for the next 20 years.

This is great news, but does mean that there’s a whole lot of work to do to keep it running and viable over those years, so skaters, it’s time to standup and be counted.

Fundraising CD
The fundraising-CD — Transitions Volume #1 — has received a great response from Island bands with not only the first disc being full to bursting with juicy tracks, but the next few editions filling up too.

There’s the great news that it’ll be going on sale at the IW Festival (thanks Solo!) — where many of the bands on the CD are playing — as well as select venues around the Island (Revolver, Ryde and The Ventnorian, Ventnor) and online at WightTrash and VentnorBlog.

Support from Island companies
Companies from around the Island are showing strong support and are stepping up to help out.

A meeting with Steve Burton, Ops manager and Dave Crouch, sales manager at Bardon Vectis was very positive with a pledge from them to support the project with materials.

Project manager John Baldry has volunteered his time to oversee the works.

Cllr Val Taylor met with Mountjoy, who have pledged to provide and erect fencing around the whole site, while works are being completed.

Ryde Tool Hire have pledged the free use of a mini digger for a weekend, which is most welcome.

Help please
We’re still really keen to hear from anyone who might want to come along and lend a hand, be that companies that are willing to donate, or individuals who want to volunteer help on site.

There will be initial works on 28th 29th June – as much help needed as possible.