Blue Flag Being Hoisted

Following the fantastic news that Ventnor has once again been awarded a Blue Flag, Mayor Susan Scoccia announced on Monday that a hoisting ceremony for said Blue Flag will take place next Monday at noon.

Everyone who helped towards securing the Blue Flag for Ventnor has been invited, as well as Island dignatories such as David Pugh and George Brown.

We hear that there will be a short ceremony on the seafront, followed by a good old knees-up at the Winter Gardens.

We haven’t received our invite yet, so perhaps Susie isn’t inviting local media along – surprising given how much publicity we’ve given to the various initiatives related to gaining Blue Flag status. Or is it?

She might live in St Lawrence, but she is the Mayor of Ventnor and what she says goes!

We’ll be down there invite or not, so why not join us as we film the hoisting (the blue flag that is)?

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