Ventnor Town Council Full+Planning Meeting Monday 14 April: Report

As always these are based on observation. It is very difficult to catch each comment from every councillor due to the room layout. Each press correspondent in the room therefore provides a different take. The detail in any documents being discussed is not visible to the public during the meeting.

Public Questions:

Debby Frost (resident of Wroxall) asked if the minutes of the Town Council meeting could be “fuller” and include public questions. John Farrant (Town Clerk) reported that it was not policy to minute public questions.

Brenda Lawson (reported to be doing well with her treatment, which all were pleased to hear) and Brian Lucas (away).

Town Centre Managers Report to Ventnor Town Council on 10th March 2008

(Rob Reed)
Trinity Road Bus Shelter Renovation

I started to paint the shelter out nearest to Trinity Church on the 14th March and with some assistance on the Monday 17th March from Harry Dea (East Wight Community Support Officer) I completed the white undercoating that day.

I finished the east shelter on Friday 21st March.

I began preparing and painting the shelter on the west side of Trinity Road on Monday 31st March (Ventnor Enhancement Fund volunteers had cleared away the ivy from the south side of this shelter over the weekend and removed the old window frames and taken off the paving slabs from the front walls and re-rendered them insetting stones into the top surface).

I finished the west side shelter on Friday 4th April.

Other Bus Shelters

On Wednesday 9th April myself, Linda Shorter (East Wight CSO), Claire from Rainer Youth Offenders Team and two youth offenders (one of whom was a Ventnor resident) painted out the inside of the Albert Street bus shelter.

On Thursday 10th April the same team of people (except that one of the youth offenders, from outside of this area, came in instead of the previous days offender) painted out the Central Car Park High Street bus shelter (inside and out) with fencing paint.

Eastern Esplanade Car Park
On Friday 4th April a team of Probation Workers carrying out Community Service – cleared away the foliage from the wall in Eastern Esplanade Car Park in readiness for the artwork that is going to replace the faded graffiti on that surface.

The IW Council contracted workmen to render off the two outside edges of this area that were previously exposed and that work has been completed today.

We hope to have the finished artwork in place by the end of April.

Pound Lane Car Park
The same crew of Probation workers also cleared off the ivy from the western wall in Pound Lane Car Park on the morning of Friday 4th April

Ventnor Activities Games Area
The inaugural meeting to start the process of providing this facility takes place this Wednesday at St Catherine’s Church meeting room at 14:30hrs

Police Report:
Sgt Richard Stapleton reported that the Jazz Festival went remarkably well. The only issue concerning some people trying to recover money owed to them by the organisers.

Winter Gardens
Maureen Cawley reported that despite the Boiler and Central Heating system failing during the Jazz Festival went very well. There was a problem with creditors trying to recover monies owed.

Buster Bartlett expressed remaining concerns about the integrity of the Jazz Festival Organisers. Maureen Cawley said she was surprised they announced they had already established the date for 2009, without checking the dates were acceptable to Winter Gardens or if they as an organisation were acceptable to be allowed to book.

She reported that the Winter Gardens had now been paid. A local businessman was understood to have provided funding to pay for local artists.

The organisers had said that concessions would not be used in 2009.

Maureen had received congratulations on the quality of the acts.

Maureen extended deep thanks to both salaried staff and in particular the volunteer team who worked very long hours to ensure the entire event went as smoothly as it did.

She felt the Jazz Festival organisers had an extraordinarily good deal. Given the colossal amount of back up support they were given at no charge by the Winter Gardens team.

Val Taylor proposed a vote of thanks to Maureen for everything she has achieved,

Skateboard Park, the Esplanade. Correspondence from IW Council.
To quote from a comment made by Debby Robinson at:

Further to this evenings Town Council meeting:
The IOW Council have written to the Town Council complaining about the derelict state of the skate park.

The lone volunteer who had been undertaking the work of rebuilding the park is not able to take on the whole project by himself (i.e. build, maintenance, insurance etc, etc, etc) and no other organisation/individual has come forward to assist.

The IOW Council have estimated that it will take approx £60,000 to take the project on. They are not prepared to do so and have asked the Town Council if they are prepared to do so.
The Town Council do not have the financial resources to do so.

If another group wish to take it on they should contact the parks dept of the IOW Council with a proposal.

Cllr Val Taylor pointed out that Ventnor Community Projects acted from the outset as an umbrella organisation for various people and groups interested in getting the skate park up and running. Rob Chuter led the project.

Initially the project had a lot of support from young people in particular, but unfortunately over time the interest of other people waned, and left Rob working on his own.

Val also pointed out that the figure quoted by the Isle of Wight Council of £60k was excessive.

It was clear that the IWC will remove the Skate Park within a week.

Robbie Mew felt that young people have not given the support expected.

Members were reminded that the Skate Park has a long and problematic history.

Undercliff Drive – Letter from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods
John Farrant reported a letter from Stuart Love essentially saying what has been said before, and that Ventnor Town Council would be consulted. No apparent change in direction.

Buster Bartlett emphasised how fed up he was with the IWC attitude to the Undercliff. Stating that enough was enough. Robbie Mew supported his view and emphasised the need for action now and to prioritise work on the Undercliff.

Colin Elvers highlighted the need for all roads to be dealt with urgently for maintenance. He pointed out that Ventnor has four primary roads, and when one is closed (as Leeson road is at this time for maintenance) then the vulnerability of the Town is exposed.

Val Taylor has raised this previously as a major risk for the Town.

Bus Service
Consultation in respect of subsidised bus services and extension of service 31 to the Esplanade.
Please see for background

Stuart George (Guest Speaker) outlined the changes planned from April 20 and the impact these would have on Ventnor.

Click on link to get an idea for the scope of the changes.

The esplanade extension was a possibility and Stuart George suggested that at this time the extension would only allow limited time on a Monday – Friday basis. Susan Scoccia is continuing to work on this.

Val Taylor said she felt the IWC should put greater in public transport for the whole bay area including Ventnor.

Colin Elvers reminded the meeting of the vulnerability of Ventnor through limited roads and the need for an effective public transport system.

Parish Plan
To pass a resolution formally adopting the Parish Plan which is to be launched at the Annual Town Meeting on 21 April 2008.

Please see for background.

Susan Scoccia confirmed that there had been no further inputs from any Town Councillors and Mark Compton-Hall confirmed minimal further feedback from the public on the final element of public consultation.

Val Taylor proposed formally adopting the Town Plan as a living and dynamic document for the five years it represented.

A majority vote was passed.

Debby Robinson wished her vote to be recorded as an abstention and also asked for a budget sheet for the project, for her to inspect. She remarked that other towns were publishing large town plans. She was reminded that the policy of the Town Council was in line with eco-island thinking, and that was to produce a single sheet of A3 paper. That to carry the action plan for 2008. The bulk of all content and reference to be available on the projects web site.

Isle of Wight County Training Partnership – Parish Masterclass
To consider if the Town Council would like to participate in this project.

It was agreed to participate in this after Quality Council status was obtained, which is now felt to be imminent (A few documents remain to be processed and ideally the process should be complete by June).

The Masterclass was seen to be based on self assessment.

Debby Robinson enquired about the floral display support from the Town Council on behalf of a shopkeepers. If there was any spare cash. It was explained that troughs by the High Street railings would be supported as normal and baskets on the lamp posts in the central area, as usual.

Val Taylor asked if there was a restriction on non residents of Ventnor (i.e. not on the electorate) in asking questions in public question time (aka Debby Frost). John Farrant said technically there was.

Robbie Mew asked and this was supported if a working party could be set up to address the state of the wall at the back of the Central Car Park in line with the Tesco development. This to include Mark Downer of the Car Parks Group.

Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond said he would call Mark to set up a meeting with him to discuss this.

Planning agenda:
As usual please click on the hyperlinks to go to the application files.
All information, as usual, is courtesy of, and copyright of IW Council

A direct link is also available, now, through the Ventnor Town Plan site (under Planning).

TCP/01215/U, P/00769/08
4 Fernleigh Park Avenue Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381LE
Proposed replacement uPVC bay window on side elevation
Councillor: Susan Scoccia

TCP/10197/C, P/00795/08
Land adjacent Hope Cottage Belgrave Road Ventnor Isle Of Wight PO38
Extension to car park for Royal Hotel (revised scheme)
Councillor: Susan Scoccia

TCP/06614/R, P/00564/08
St. Josephs 29 Madeira Road Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381QS
Retention of front balconies serving flats 5 and 6
This property is a regular feature in this column, and on this application, extensive and cautionary comments have been submitted by the IWC Conservation and Design team.
To look at them click on the View Comments box.
Councillor: Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond
Refused on basis of being out of keeping with area

TCP/26656/B, P/00704/08
Unit B Plot 5 Old Station Road Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381DX
Renewal Use of light industrial unit for work experience/educational purposes connected to St Catherine’s School
Councillor: Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond

TCP/28952, P/00585/08
Basement Flat 8 Alexandra Gardens Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381EE
Conversion of flat into 2 flats
Councillor: Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond

TCP/28953, P/00370/08
31 Alpine Road Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381BU
Conversion of dwelling into 2 flats
Councillor: Susan Scoccia

TCPC/13956/D, P/00662/08
4 Alexandra Gardens Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381EE
Planning Permission and Conservation Area Consent for demolition of flat roofed extensions alterations conversion of property into two residential units to include gated pedestrian access from Dudley Road and spiral staircase to courtyard raised decking within front garden parking

On this application, comments have been submitted by the IWC Conservation and Design team.
To look at them click on the View Comments box.
Councillor: Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond