
Ventnor Town Council make sure pupils don’t go hungry this half term

Prior to the Isle of Wight council announcing their emergency one-off food voucher scheme for children on free school meals over the May half term, Ventnor Town Council had mobilised to ensure children in Ventnor did not go hungry next week.

£12 food vouchers
Using up the balance of their Connect4 Communities funding, they organised £12 food vouchers to be distributed at St Francis Primary School and the Island Free School for each child on free school meals.

Eligible families will be contacted by the relevant schools.

The decision came after it was announced earlier in the week that the food vouchers for children on free school meals had been withdrawn after the Government changed the rules on how the money could be spent.

Packed lunches from Better Days Cafe
Elsewhere in Ventnor, Kirsty Chapman from the Better Days Cafe, started fundraising this week so that children would not go hungry over half term and managed to raise more than £1,200 towards lunches.

Kirsty still plans to provide free packed lunches for children next week.

If you need them for your kids or know someone else who does, message her via the Better Days Cafe Facebook page.

Image: insouciance under CC BY 2.0