Ventnor town council re-appoints Mayor following election

Thanks to Evelyn for this report from the first Ventnor Town council meeting since the local elections. Ed

There were two meetings this evening (13th May), the first of which appointed the Mayor and members of committees for the coming year.

Steve Stubbings:Third year as Mayor for Cllr Stubbings
Cllr Steve Stubbings was elected as Mayor for the third year running and, his fellow Lowtherville Councillor, Jason Mack, was elected as Deputy Mayor.

Cllr Jim Toogood will continue as Chair of the Planning Committee and Cllr Harry Rees stays on as Chair of Staffing Committee. He also retains his appointment as the representative on the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC). Newly elected, Councillor Stewart Blackmore, will represent VTC on the Island Waste Services Community Advisory Group while Jim Toogood continues his successful management for Beach Safety.

The General Power of Competence was read aloud by the Town Clerk and the Town Council confirmed its continuing eligibility.

The Town Council then authorised the use of its co-option powers to fill the two vacancies on the Council.

The Annual Town Meeting
The Annual Town Meeting followed immediately with the Mayor and Council thanking the Town Clerk and the Assistant Town Clerk for their exceptional work throughout the year.

Thanks were expressed to the outgoing Councillors and a welcome extended to the incoming four.

Councillors’ involvement in local projects
Councillors reported on their projects and activities throughout 2012/13.

Cllr Jason Mack has been assisting with a Timebank/Library/Southern Housing project, giving support and encouragement to job seekers.

He is involved in ambitious plans to change car parking in Ventnor and currently waiting to hear the result of an application. Waiting is also the theme of a re-submitted application regarding the Coastal Centre. With a new administration at the County Council there was hope for ‘a brighter future’.

Success of Timebank
Cllr Leigh Geddes spoke of her involvement as Chair of Timebank and gave credit to Jason for his involvement. She applauded the work that has gone on to build Timebank and its value to the community.

She represents the Council at the Ventnor Botanic Garden and explained the project to make all the entrances to Ventnor to look more attractive and welcoming. The first entrance is in place as you enter from Shanklin with a new notice board and Palm Trees on either side. (It is very eye-catching and seems to ‘set the scene’).

War Memorial and outdoor gym at Ventnor Park
Cllr Jim Toogood gave details of his continuing search for funding to refurbish the War Memorial. He is fervent about his project for beach safety and believes Ventnor should have a defibrillator, with easy access, as an essential part of safety for all.

Improvements to the well-used OUTFIT on the Eastern Cliff now includes four exercise pieces for children.

Jim was pleased to have a really strong Planning committee to work with in the coming year.

Cllr Harry Rees has grave concerns over the rating that has been given to the Island for Assisted Area Status and continues to pursue.

Community updates
Representatives from the Community then had their opportunity to speak and submissions came from Bonchurch Community Association; Ventnor Business Association; Friends of Ventnor Library; Community Interest Company for the 31 Bus; Ventnor Community Café and the Isle of Arts.

The Mayor then closed the meeting by saying that we now had an Isle of Wight Council more eager to work with the local councils, and there was great opportunity for integration between all the agencies.

He expected to be able to update developments on the Winter Gardens in a few weeks time.

Everyone was invited to network and enjoy refreshments.

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