Vestas Sit-in: Where The Heck Are The IW Council ‘Leaders’?

Vestas Sit-in: Where The Heck Are The IW Council 'Leaders'?At 7:10 tonight, the Vestas sit-in will have been taking place for a whole week.

One thing that has struck many people during the protest – where the heck is the word from the senior Isle of Wight Council leaders about what’s going on at Vestas?

We’re not talking about the majority of IW council workers, as it’s understood that many of them are supportive of the Vestas workers. It’s the ‘leaders’.

The council are happy enough to be firing off press releases left, right and centre about banal non-stories, but where are they on important issues? Issues that matter to the working people of the Island.

It’s International news
It’s not like they couldn’t have noticed it. This is an International news story that’s happening on their doors step.

For goodness sake, even Government Cabinet member Ed Miliband is writing letters to the Guardian about it – forget for the moment how ineffectual and off-target his writings are – to date we haven’t even heard a peep from anyone senior at the IW Council.

Where’s the leadership?
How can David Pugh call himself The Leader, or Steve Beynon, the Chief Executive, if they don’t get publicly involved with this major Island event?

We’re not talking about picking the largest marrow at the county show – this is something that is of interest to nearly everyone – jobs and environmental issues.

Have the senior people there forgotten that this is the council that tried to hitch a ride on the coat tails of the Greens, as Eco-Island?

Do the senior people at council care so little for the people that live and work on the Island that they can’t even be bothered to pass comment on the situation? or heaven forfend, try and help out?

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