The People's Pop Up gallery

Vibrant art gallery and wellbeing hub for art-based projects launches

Tracy shares details of this upcoming event. Ed

Independent Arts (IA) have transformed an empty space on Newport High Street creating a vibrant art gallery and a well-being hub for art-based projects that can benefit your mental and physical health.

Wellbeing hub
The People’s Pop-Up Gallery known as PPUG is located at 33 High Street and will also have a wellbeing Hub.

There will be a series of engaging exhibitions and the Hub will act as a social prescribing referral service for anyone who feels they may benefit either mentally or physically from one of several projects facilitated by IA.

Arts-based social prescribing
Changing lives through art is very much the impetus behind IA. Established in 1987, they now lead the way on the Island for arts-based social prescribing. Social prescribing is simply where people receive non-medical help to improve their health and well-being through activities delivered in a social setting.

These activities have measurable outcomes and vary from participating in a singing workshop to improve respiratory health, enjoying a dance class to assist with neurological conditions to joining an anxiety café to reduce feelings of anxiety and isolation.

Workshops, classes and groups
At PPUG you will be able to find out about workshops, classes and groups designed to help improve mental and physical well-being.

Most of the artwork due to be exhibited at PPUG has been produced either at therapeutic workshops run by Independent Arts or in environments designed to give artistic opportunities to people and children of all backgrounds.

Varley: Here for the most vulnerable people
Wendy Varley, Chair of Trustees, Independent Arts, said,

“Independent Arts will always be a charity delivering arts programmes for the benefit of the most vulnerable people on the Isle of Wight; people of all ages experiencing disadvantage or social isolation, those with long term health problems and elderly people in care homes.”

The result is a rich body of work ranging from poignant black and white photographic portraiture to ceramic sculptures to intricate textile panels that feature the heritage of Newport.

Time and Tide exhibition
The opening exhibition, Time and Tide, features extraordinary artistic responses to local history created primarily by residents of Southern Housing schemes and care homes across the Island and at other workshop events held at libraries.

Kate Ball, chief executive of IA, said,

“We are delighted that The Gravesend and District Real Estate Company have given us the opportunity to use this space and would especially like to thank Tony Scotcher from Scotcher and Co for making this possible.”

Where and when
PPUG is located at 33 High Street, Newport and will be open Thursday-Saturday between 10.30am-3.30pm (though times may vary).

If you are interested in volunteer opportunities or would like to find out more visit the Website or email [email protected] or call 01983 822437