Landline telephone sitting on wooden table

Warning: Isle of Wight Amazon Prime scam currently active (Updated)

Sadly we’ve all had to grow cautious these days so we don’t get caught out by scammers.

Today News OnTheWight has heard from a reader about an active scam that’s happening on the Isle of Wight today – calling from an Isle of Wight phone number.

Landline and mobile
Not only that, but after the phone call to the landline has been made, the scammers follow up with a message to the mobile phone of the same person.

That’s a level of sophistication – combining landline and mobile numbers – we’ve not heard of before.

Many thanks to Fratton Parker who got in touch with News OnTheWight this morning to describe what had happened.

They and we hope that by getting this message out there, we’ll be able to stop people being caught out and losing money.

Details of the scam

The phone call (from a number starting 01983) said that his Amazon Prime membership had now lapsed and £95 was due to be paid.

Following the phone call they received a text on their mobile containing a link to visit too.

Number not answering
News OnTheWight called the 01983 number that had called Fratton Parker and it just rang, with no reply. It’s uncertain if the scammers had just spoofed the number (taken someone else’s number) to make the call, or they’re just not answering it.

Article edit
1.43pm 14th Feb 2023 – Adjusted headline

Image: annie spratt under CC BY 2.0