Weathering The Change Photography Winners Announced

Thanks to Carlene for sending through details of the winners of Natural Enterprise’s Weathering the Change photography competition. Ed

Snowy Easton FieldThe winners of the Weathering the Change photography competitions were announced last week, with images showing the diversity of the Isle of Wight’s weather.

The competition forms part of a larger climate change awareness project being run across the Isle of Wight by Natural Enterprise.

Festival sunset wins under 16s category
There were two categories youth (under 16s), won by Rebekah Gibson of Cowes who was awarded a £25 gift voucher to Amazon for her photo ‘Festival Sunset’.

Rebekah said “How exciting, I’ve not won anything before with my photography. I was really lucky with the weather for this photo; it was a case of being in the right place at the right time”.

Snowy Easton Field wins adult category
The Adult category was won by David Ballard and his image of a snowy ‘Easton Field’ who was awarded a year’s subscription to Smug Mug Pro account.

Runners up included ‘Stormy Ventnor’ by Anonymous and ‘Tennyson Down’ by Paul Windridge.

Independent judges
The competition was judged by an independent panel including Cat James of Pinkeye Graphics who was very impressed with the entries, “there were some really strong contenders and we spent some time deliberating about which were our favourites. The Island’s photographers have been lucky recently; what with several significant snow falls, some mighty wind and, of course, glorious sunshine to photograph.”

The winning photos will be on display during the week long Solar Festival in St Thomas’ Square starting from Saturday 30 April.

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