Illustration of a beach scene crowded with people

Where is Bob Seely?: ‘Inspector Johnny Bratwurst’ returns with a second clue in search for ‘missing’ Isle of Wight MP

Inspector Johnny Bratwurst is back with another clue to help him find former Isle of Wight MP, Bob Seely (he’s no longer an MP now parliament has been dissolved).

Inspector Bratwurst said,

“It’s been quite the week in the investigation to find our beloved MP. First we had some much-needed press from the wonderful News OnTheWight. To say my DMs blew up with potential sightings is an understatement.

“There has even been a rumour of a wild Seely playing what would appear to be an “air piano”, but I think the lads in the station must be pulling my leg.

“Anyway, back to the investigation, I have additional CCTV footage for your magnifying glasses. Finally the picture is beginning to come clear, unlike the water at this lovely beach.”

Can you spot ….?
Below is the second image and Johnny asks readers again if they can spot:

  • Bob
  • 12 Sausages
  • 6 Isle of Wight Celebs

Click on the image to see larger version

Gross sewage spills
Johnny went on to say,

“I did some digging around as part of my investigation into this missing persons case and it is imperative we find our MP. Apparently the most recent annual data shows sewage was dumped onto beaches and rivers from overflows on the Island for a combined total of 16,787 hours in 2022.

“Gurnard sits within the top 10 beaches with the most sewage spills in the country. That’s pretty gross, there is no way our MP would allow this to happen on his watch!”

You can stay up to date with the further ten clues that will be revealed over the coming weeks by visiting the Where is Bob Seely? website.

Jolly japes
You can also see the air piano references Inspector Bratwurst made above by heading over to X – formerly Twitter for our friends at IW Can Depress and the brilliant DrivelSieve.

Their jolly japes perfectly counteract the toxic shenanigans that usually surround election time.