Wind Turbines Back on Agenda At Ventnor Town Council

There were many items of interest discussed at the Ventnor Town Council (VTC) last night, all of which we’ll be writing about over the course of the day.

Wind Turbines Back on Agenda At Ventnor Town CouncilDuring councillor question time, Cllr Rob Mew requested that an item be added to the agenda for the February meeting.

He wished for the VTC to discuss the idea of having a wind turbine placed somewhere in Ventnor (possible Rew Down).

He told his fellow councillors that he’d recently seen a Panorama programme which featured a town in Scotland that’d done the same, raising £50-60,000 for the town.

It was agreed that this would be added to the February agenda.

Image: Rural Learning Center under CC BY 2.0

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