Wonder At The Midnight Opening of Giant Water Lily

Wonder At The Midnight Opening of Giant Water Lily Wow, we’re not sure whether this is something that the Ventnor Botanic Gardens have done before, but from Monday, once a week, they will be hosting midnight displays giving you the opportunity to watch the Giant Water Lily Flower as it opens.

We understand that the flower only opens at night in order to be pollinated by nocturnal insects.

During the day it closes back up again, hiding away the gorgeous red colour until the second night.

Chris Kidd, Head Gardener will be providing this opportunity to capture sight of the open lily during his midnight tour of the water lily pool with commentary on the legend of the lily flower.

We’re told that it’s incredibly hard to predict when the flower will open, and will only be gauged at around 2pm on the afternoon before the midnight tour.

There will be a shortlist of people invited along from those registering interest, but as the event continues once a week until the end of August there should be plenty of room for everyone.

Price for the tour will be £5 per head and are strictly limited in numbers. Those who are invited should meet in the Botanic Garden main reception at 2330 on the night.

To book a place, ring (01983) 855397 or email [email protected] providing full contact details including phone number and email address.

Those chosen will be on a first come first served basis and viewings will take place once a week until the end of August with the exception of 20 – 24 July. Viewings may take place on any given weekday (Mon – Fri).

Image: Thrillseeker