Winter Gardens

‘Good ground’ being made inside Winter Gardens

At the tail end of last year, owner of the Hambrough Group and Winter Gardens, Kevin Sussmilch, told OnTheWight that work would start in January to develop the iconic former venue that has stood empty for three years.

Plans have been scaled down and a Community Partnership formed with students from the Isle of Wight College to repair and renovate the 1930s building, “opening as soon as possible….in the summer or earlier?”

Good ground being made
Residents haven’t seen much happening to the exterior of the building, but according to the Winter Gardens’ new manager, Ian Bennett, work has been progressing inside.

He told OnTheWight,

“We are very encouraged by the progress of the Winter Gardens, even with the bad weather we have been experiencing, which has slightly delayed the progress to the outside of the building, but we have made good ground on the inside and are on track for an early summer opening as mentioned previously.

“When we are able to give a more definitive opening date then we will do so.”

Any local groups and interested parties who would like to speak further the Ian can do so by emailing him on [email protected]

It’ll be great to see the much-missed Winter Gardens finally open again.

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