Richard Priest pre-election parking promise

What’s happened to Richard Priest’s pre-election promise on parking?

In the run up to the 2013 Isle of Wight council elections, Richard Priest and his running mate Jon Gilbey distributed a leaflet with their seven promises on it. Indeed each promise started with a letter to build P R O M I S E, to accentuate the point.

The first under the banner, “We PROMISE:” was P – PARKING – “Promote high streets not penalise motorists.”

Damaging small businesses
OnTheWight talked to Richard at the time and he spoke extensively about how the then-current Conservative administration were damaging small businesses in Shanklin and other areas of the Island by not allowing people to park close to shops by levying charges on them. He felt this was bad for Island business.

Just over a week ago, the Island Independents currently in charge of Isle of Wight council – of which Richard and Jon are Executive members – proposed a considerable number of increases in parking charges and the removal of a lot of what was previously free parking around the Island.

Obvious imbalance
Given the obvious imbalance between the pre-election promise given and the recent parking proposals, OnTheWight dropped Richard a quick question this afternoon

Richard – How, before the election, could you promise to your electorate that you’d “Promote high streets not penalise motorists”, but now you’re in power you’re proposing jacking up parking charges across the Island – including Shanklin – and removing most, if not all, of the free parking in shopping areas?

We’ll let you know when we get an answer.

Update: Cllr Priest responded and then again, some time later.

Those promises in full
(Click on image to see full screen version)
Richard Priest and Jon Gilbey pre-election promises 2013