No to turbines

Committee reject wind turbine application

Members of the Isle of Wight council planning committee voted yesterday (Tuesday) to refuse an application for two wind turbines at HMP Isle of Wight.

Members followed the recommendation by the planning officer as reported last week.

Officers advised,

The proposed development by virtue of its dominance, scale, siting and appearance would result in a significant adverse impact on the character and appearance of the nationally designated landscape of the Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, in particular when viewed from the protected landscape that surrounds the Newtown Estuary.

The applicant has not demonstrated that these identified adverse impacts are capable of satisfactory mitigation.


The submitted information has failed to satisfactorily demonstrate that noise generated from the proposed wind turbines would comply with the guidelines for sound levels from such development as set out within ETSU-R-97 and therefore the Council is not satisfied that the development would protect the amenities enjoyed by occupiers of nearby neighbouring properties. In consequence the proposal is contrary to policy DM2 (Design Quality for New Development) of the Island Plan Core Strategy.

It’s not known whether the applicant, Partnerships for Renewables, will appeal the decision.

Image: bellatrix6 under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license