Chelsea Turner

‘Chelsea’s Wishes’ family in shocking housing crisis

OnTheWight first learnt about young Chelsea Turner from Sandown back in 2013.

Her family we appealing for help following what can only be described as a horrific start to her life (see background).

Chelsea’s Wishes was formed, raising money for a sensory nursery to help improve the young Islander’s quality of life.

Turner family: “Deemed homeless”
On Thursday, Chelsea’s parents shared a sad and worrying update:

A year ago we were told we needed to move as Chelsea would need hoisting and other equipment that we can not fit in this current house, we have been bidding on houses since but with no success, and in that year Chelsea has grown to the size of a 7 year old at the age of 3.

This being the case she has outgrown her current medical bed and it is impossible for us to get a bigger one in our house so Chelsea is now deemed homeless.

Due to Chelsea’s weight and height we can no longer get her upstairs to the only bathroom so arrangements are being made to take Chelsea to a local respite centre each day for a bath.

Our housing situation is beyond our control and for this reason we have had to put our building plans on hold. Private renting is not an option due to the amount of adaptations that are needed and a tenancy agreement of at least 5 years.

Thanks to Islanders for support
Chelsea’s family went on to say,

We want to thank everyone that has supported us and helped us get as far as we have with our plans and want you all to know that as soon as we are in a better position we will continue and finish the nursery and open it as planned. All the monies raised are still being held till we are ready.

OnTheWight will contact the Isle of Wight council for a comment on this case and find out what can be done to help Chelsea’s family at this distressing time.

Chelsea’s story
Chelsea was born eleven weeks early on 25/02/2012 weighing a tiny 2lbs12oz. When Chelsea was born she suffered two bilateral grade four IVH (bleeds on her brain), this has resulted in Chelsea having extensive brain damage which has shown on her MRI.

Because of these complications they have affected Chelsea in lots of ways: She is not growing properly due to being unable to eat and drink orally, she also has evolving four limb Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy and last of all her sight is very poor due to the brain damage.

Chelsea’s Wishes
Because of all the above Chelsea’s family decided to set up Chelsea’s Wishes to raise funds for a sensory nursery to help improve her quality of life.

They know she reacts to lights and want to work on this to increase her vision and provide a safe stimulating environment; they also want to buy other equipment that can suit her size to help her in other areas.

They are part of the charity “Tree of Hope” Charity No 1149254 who are overseeing and collecting donations on her behalf.

Follow the updates on the Chelsea’s Wishes Facebook Page.

Image: © Chelsea’s Wishes