smiling snowman

Happy Christmas from OnTheWight: Delivering Trusted news for 10+ years: Find out how you can support us

Gosh, yes folks, it really has been ten years (and three months) since that first blog post about an unexploded bomb in Ventnor Haven back in September 2005.

We had no idea what an incredible journey launching (as then VentnorBlog) would take us on, but ten years later, now as OnTheWight, we’re still growing, while continuing to deliver Trusted news.

What’s next?
Here at OnTheWight we’re driven to continually improve the service we offer to Isle of Wight residents and visitors.

Of course, you’ll be sally and Simonable to continue to be able to trust us in the way you tell us you do – it’s the most important thing to us.

Your support
Christmas is a time of giving and several readers have been in touch over the last couple of weeks to ask how they can show their support through a donation to OnTheWight this Christmas.

We’ll leave the level of your donation to you and your personal circumstances – any level of contribution will bring a smile to our lips and a lightness to our key-presses.

No matter how much you contribute, you’ll have the lovely glowing feeling that you’re supporting a small, highly-dedicated, grass-roots news organisation that provides a thorough, trust-worthy report of what’s happening on the Island.

How to contribute
We’ve made it really easy for you to show your support, either as monthly contributions or one-off payments.

We’ve partnered with Gocardless to handle the payments, so you can have all of the confidence that comes with dealing with an Authorised Payment Institution, as regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – as well as all of the ease of handling it electronically.

They also use Military-grade security to store all your bank details (with RSA encryption) and communicate only over secure channels.

Set up a regular monthly payment

Make a one-off payment

If you’d prefer not to use that route, we can also accept contributions through our PayPal account – set up in our original VB days. The online payment company is owned by eBay, so safe to use – all you’ll need is a credit card, or if you’ve got a PayPal account, you can pay directly from your bank account.

Just click the button below to get going …

Thank You – in advance
We’d like to say a big “Thank You” in advance for the financial support that you give OnTheWight on behalf of everyone who put in their time and all that read it.

Thank You!

Image: pandajenn1234 under CC BY 2.0