man writing on paper by scott graham
Image: scott graham under CC BY 2.0

Letter: Climate history reveals rapid changes well before industrialisation

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from an Isle of Wight resident, known to News OnTheWight, who wishes to remain anonymous. Ed

In response to Angela Hewitt’s Letter to the Editor.

  1. The IPCC reports (note: not the IPC, as the letter says) do not support the catastrophic claims about climate change regularly bandied around by politicians, and regurgitated by Angela Hewitt.
  2. The claim that “ 97% of scientist now agree that the climate change we are experiencing today is significantly different and is exponential to the natural processes of a climate change that happens over the period of a million years” is actually based on a tiny sample of just 65 papers, which stated that man was responsible for more than half of the warming since 1950, out of 4011 papers surveyed.
  3. The claim that “natural climate change happens over million-year periods at a time” is nonsense. Climate scientists have long known about rapid climate change over periods of a few centuries, for instance the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age, which was the coldest era since the Ice Age.
  4. Many atmospheric scientists agree that adding more CO2 to the atmosphere will only have a tiny effect on global temperatures. To claim that they are all in the pay of fossil fuel interests is strikingly naive.
  5. To claim that “half the planet will be under water and the other half a desert within 50 years” shows just how little the writer understands about climate change. None of the IPCC reports say that this will happen, even in thousands of years, never mind 50. On the contrary, global food production has risen in leaps and bounds thanks to the very fossil fuels she demonises.
  6. She says that fighting climate change is now down to individuals, as politicians cannot be trusted. She evidently does not realise that while the UK has been cutting emissions, the rest of the world’s emissions have been rocketing, and continue to do so.

Richard Tice is right to point out the pointlessness of Britain’s Net Zero agenda, which will not only achieve nothing, but wreck the economy and leave everybody much worse off.