pollution from industrial chimneys

Letter: Historical climate events that shaped our planet without human intervention

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from another reader who wishes to remain anonymous. Name and address withheld. Ed

In response to Angela Hewitt’s Letter to the Editor and another readers response.

Firstly, science is supposed to be an active robust and ongoing conversation, not a religion. We only know that the Earth is not flat, because people dared to ask questions and accept new data. Almost no one actually ‘denies’ climate change. The disagreement is the causes, and to what extent humanity contributes.  Nor does any reasonable person disagree with the idea of doing what we can to keep our local environment healthy.

The climate has always been subject to change
Secondly, history (and pre-history in the form of the fossil record) proves that the climate has always been subject to change. Sometimes quite dramatically. For example, in 1303 and 1304 the Reine, Seine and Loire rivers all ran dry.

Then as recently as 1846 temperatures reached 125 degrees Fahrenheit in Paris. Humanity did not cause these or many other such extreme events, it was simply the result of planetary and solar system forces in action.

Percentage of  CO2 in the Atmosphere
Lastly, climate change zealots regularly make fools of themselves guesstimating a ludicrously high percentage of  CO2 in the Atmosphere, and screaming that we must eliminate it to save the planet.

The true figure is actually 0.04%. It is a sobering thought that If the percentage were to go below 0.02% plants would begin to die off, and humanity would follow shortly after.

The Green Agenda
As for the Green Agenda, the real cost – both monetary and environmentally – of solar power, wind turbine power and electric vehicles, is far greater than using fossil fuels and nuclear power. Providing they are managed responsibly.