Yarnstorm Bootcamp: Limited number of day places available

Debby tells us more about the upcoming yarnstorm bootcamp. Ed

Billed as ‘A Fluffy Fest of Sneaky Stitching, Graffiti Knitting and Woolly Mayhem of a Crochet Kind’, it’s craft Jim, but not as we know it.

The head honcho at the Bootcamp will be Deadly Knitshade who blogs about her dastardly deeds on Whodunnknit.

She describes herself as “a lone wool-hungry wolf whose knits aren’t content with lurking in the shadows of conventional knitting.

“They don’t stand under the woolly umbrella of quiet stitching at home in front of the TV. They do not smell of mothballs or Werther’s Originals. They do not hide in department store basements or charity shop bargain bins.”

Join the collective
Deadly Knitshade is also part of the sneaky stitching collective, Knit the City, as is the Fastener, the other handmade hardcore hero who’ll be orchestrating the yarnstorming weekend.

Check out the Knit the City website for their past yarnstorming outrages.

Day places available
The pop-up YEA! (Yarnstorm Educational Academy) HQ will host the residential Bootcamp in Ventnor, courtesy of Wightaway, over the weekend of 19/20/21 October.

And is now open to Day Campers who will be involved in all the woolly wackiness and fibre fun for a spectacular non-residential rate of £165!

Call (01983) 856979 to book your place

Image: nist6ss under CC BY 2.0