Cowes Enteprise College sign

Cowes Enterprise College: Planning approval for 150 air conditioning units

An application to vary conditions of the planning approval for the new Cowes Enterprise College building, which includes installation of 150 air conditioning units, has been approved by planning officers, despite objections from Cowes Pathfinder Trust and the Governing body.

The Trust and Governing body argued in their planning objection that the original design allowed for the ‘brown roof’ area to be used for outside learning and that the installation of 150 air conditioning units will prevent this and may affect the original grant criteria for the £32m building.

Decision justified by officer
The officer justification states that,

“The proposed alterations have already been undertaken on site and are not considered to result in development which would be significantly different from that previously approved and is therefore considered to accord with policy DM2 (Design Quality for New Development) of the Island Plan Core Strategy.

“The alterations would not result in development which would have any greater impact on neighbouring residential properties and is therefore considered to further comply with policy DM2.”

Full details can be found on the iWight planning Website.

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