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Have you got an Isle of Wight Hidden Hero? They could become part of a major exhibition

The Hidden Heroes Team share details of this latest initiative. Ed

The Isle of Wight Hidden Heroes project has got a great idea to help get the conversation going around the dinner table.

IW Hidden Heroes celebrates remarkable people who have done remarkable things whilst living on the Island and has a whole host of exciting events taking place this year.

Share your pride
The professionals have already added some their Heroes to the Website (discover them here), so now it’s your turn to share details of the people you feel have done something remarkable whilst on the Island.

The hope is that some of your Heroes might be incorporated into a major exhibition at Quay Arts next month, so you could see the face of your Hidden Heroes up on the gallery wall.

Tell your stories
Do you have a relative or ancestor who has achieved something of note whilst on the Isle of Wight?

Perhaps it’s Auntie Mabel, who pulled her children out from the rubble of a bombed building during the war; or a relative who worked as a midwife delivering babies for 30 years; or the friend down the road who invented something incredible in their garden shed.

Your Heroes can be as wide-reaching as you like. It’s all about unearthing the people who haven’t been acknowledged.

How to do it
To share details of your Hidden Heroes simply pop over to the Isle of Wight Hidden Heroes Website and complete the form to send us your stories and photos.

You can submit as many Hidden Heroes as you like, don’t feel like you have to hold back. This way, the pride you have in your ancestors can be shared with the rest of the Isle of Wight.

Exhibitions and talks
There’s a major Hidden Heroes exhibition taking place at Quay Arts early next month which runs for six weeks from 10th February – all are welcome to the launch between 2-4pm (on the 10th).

There are also many more IW Hidden Heroes events taking place over the Island in the coming weeks, including an exhibition at the Museum of Island History at Guildhall in Newport which is on right now.

Some of the events include:

Details of all events can be found on the Isle of Wight Hidden Heroes Website.

Image: brian-m under CC BY 2.0

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