Isle of Wight schools continue under a huge amount of pressure to ensure Covid-safe learning environments, with yet more having to juggle remote and in-classroom learning
Other areas of the report found the hygienic food handling of products to be generally satisfactory and the cleanliness and condition of the facilities to be very good
Most charges have not risen since 2014, but the hike in prices now had been described by council officers as ‘significant’, with concerns about how the public may react
Residents in Sandown have been waiting a long time to hear what will be happening with Dinosaur Isle and the land occupied by Brown's Golf Course and Artecology's studio
News OnTheWight shares the weekly results of confirmed positive Coronavirus tests and deaths on the Isle of Wight, as well as hospital admissions and age breakdowns
Questions of how much time some councillors spend on the Isle of Wight have been rumbling for months. They've all now been surveyed. Find out how your representative responded.
There are moves afoot - hidden from public view - to capture and store everything that you do online, on your phone and your mobile. Here's the background and what you can do about it.