Isle of Wight Green Party prospective parliamentary candidatefor the 2015 elections Vix Lowthion has now met with the two major ferry companies, Red Funnel and Wightlink and shares her impression with readers.
You don’t get the nickname of the UK’s super commuter for nothing. Isle of Wight cyclist, Tim Wiggins, is the UK’S super commuter and clocks up 5,322 miles a year cycling to work.
Fracking licences have been granted on the Isle of Wight. 100+ people went to listen to an expert explain what it means. You too can listen to the talk.
As well as the apparent error made by Cllr Churchman, the monitoring officer was unhappy with how the process was carried out and wants councillors to consider it again
The project sees artworks ranging from £100 to £4,000 - all donated by artists to support the work of the Young Carers Service, who provide vital support for young people on the Isle of Wight
There's a planning app to part-demolish the former amusement arcade and replace it with a stunning new home - designed in style of the former leisure pavilion built at the end of 19th century.
The heavy rain is set to continue overnight and through all day tomorrow (Wednesday) so make sure you take precautions if your property is prone to flooding.