Hovertravel provides the fastest Isle of Wight ferry service across the Solent and is the world’s longest running and only commercial hovercraft operator in Europe.
Below are some articles in which Hovertravel is mentioned.
Andrew Turner's volunteers were out in force yesterday, trying to get people to vote for him by handing out leaflets, including at Fishbourne - sadly they didn't have permission.
Commuters were subject to a shuttle service on Tuesday morning due to a 'technical fault'. Today there's a repeat of the same service after the wipers failed.
Just a couple of months after the launch of the HoverCare initiative, Hovertravel have picked up a Bronze award at the Beautiful South Awards ceremony.
People with profound and multiple learning disabilities, as well people with other physical disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis often need extra equipment and space to allow them to use the toilets safely and comfortably