The man in charge of keeping an eye on the PFI contract responds to UKIP parliamentary candidate, Iain McKie's calls for the contract to be investigated.
If you'd have asked Islanders in advance who they thought was going to come top in the poll after this week's hustings, there are not many that would have predicted this outcome.
Former IW UKIP Chairman, Ewan Smith-Wainwright, who took over from Parliamentary candidate, Iain McKie, at the beginning of the year has told members that he's moving to the Conservative party.
Reflecting that the Island used to have 11 hospitals, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) Iain McKie pledges that Cottage hospitals will be re-established on the Island - if he's elected.
Iain McKie, leader of the Isle of Wight UKIP group, has concerns about the future of the party now Paul Nuttall has been elected leader. In particular, he is concerned about a referendum on the death penalty.
The prospective parliamentary candidates have shared their views on many local issues over the last month, but do you have any idea how they might vote on a £100bn Trident replacement? We asked the question and found out for you.
Iain McKie says he gives his "word as a gentleman" that if he's elected as MP he'll "fight tooth and nail for the preservation of the free bus pass for pensioners”.
The Isle of Wight UKIP branch committee has been dissolved and now the Regional Branch organiser has refused to allow an AGM to take place. Iain McKie declares it an “affront to democracy”.
Iain McKie says the British Prime Minister has been left humiliated following the letter from Donald Tusk to the European Council over UK renegotiations.