Dr Fox received praise from the Ofsted inspector who visited in January. They also said the Trust had not provided the Academy with enough targeted support.
The NUT representative for the Isle of Wight says "the picture portrayed in the letter or in the articles is not one which the NUT recognises or accepts".
With the support of generous donations from Islanders, young Gracie-May, who we first featured back in 2010, has made incredible progress. These two lads hope to help with the last push of fundraising.
Principal of Ryde Academy tells OnTheWight that inappropriate peer pressure was one of the things that sparked the crackdown on uniform. Find out more by listening to our podcast interview below.
Age UK Isle of Wight (Age UKIW) are asking Islander’s to stop, think and talk about dementia throughout National Dementia Awareness Week from Sunday 18th May to Saturday 24th May.