The parent of a pupil who has been studying Japanese for two years at Ryde Academy tells OnTheWight that pupils have been told to learn a new language from May.
Pupils from Ryde Academy who researched and spoke about bullying, stereotyping and negative attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community have been praised by the Speaker of the House of Commons and presented with The Speaker’s Student Council Award.
Congratulations to pupils from Ryde Academy for making it through to the national finals of the Global Rock Challenge - we'll be rooting for you on 22 July.
All Ryde Academy students who applied to university have achieved a place which is a fantastic result and a credit to their efforts and the work of our staff. Well done to you all.
Ryde Academy's Computer Science Teacher and STEM coordinator, John Nicholson, has just become an SSAT Leadership Fellow as part of an impressive group of future leaders from across the country.
Ryde Academy student, Georgia Holmes, and school first aider, Michael Hine, both represented the Isle of Wight St John Ambulance Service at the Hampshire Civic Event at Winchester Cathedral on Sunday.
Ten Ryde Academy students from Year 10 travelled to Oxford earlier this month for a Taster day at Corpus Christi College and were said to be some of the most 'switched-on' said Lecturer.