There was no news on the developments at the Winter Gardens, but the Ventnor town council are planning to pursue negotiations about the future of the Coastal Centre.
After meeting with IWC officers, Cllr Scoccia repeats the council's position, adding that all buildings in the town should be considered for providing services from.
The Coastal Centre has a fascinating history, it was bought by the local Ventnor council in 1945 with a loan from the Ministry of Health. Now the Isle of Wight council want to sell it off to the highest bidder rather than let the local council have it for community use.
Town clerk confirms a lease is being drawn up by the Isle of Wight council and local shop puts £1,000 in the pot to help with the upkeep of the paddling pool.
It's fantastic to see that the Cafe Scientifique meetings are considered so interesting and valuable that a town council will adjust their meeting dates around it.