Haven Falconry Bird of Prey Centre have ongoing costs to feed and maintain the animals, but have lost much of their income so have launched a fundraising campaign
Send in your recorded Happy Birthday message and it'll be added to Biosphere Birthday Message the Movie in time for the Isle of Wight's first UNESCO Biosphere Birthday
Climate change is making butterflies emerge earlier and some are spreading to new parts of the UK. Help Butterfly Conservation by sharing your sightings
The Asian Hornet has the appetite to eat up to 50 Honey Bees in a single day and last year decimated Jersey's bee population. If you spot one on the Isle of Wight here's what to do
We might be in lockdown but nature carries on. Carol and Bob from Arreton have produced a seven-minute video of a new family of ducklings in their garden. It's adorable!
If the Wildlife Trust's hopes are fulfilled, we could see beavers being introduced on the Isle of Wight - bringing with them positive thriving eco systems
The photos of rescued animals from the RSPCA in Godshill are so cute! Learn how the centre has undergone a revamp and how it now has much more to offer. OnTheWight has the details