Andrew Turner’s MP’s Expenses: Three Media Reports Compared: UPDATED

Andrew Turner's MP's Expenses: Three Media Reports ComparedWe were contacted by Judith Townend, news reporter for media trade publication today, in connection with VB‘s reporting of Andrew Turner’s MP’s expenses.

UPDATE: Judith Townend’s article has now been published.

It reminded us that Tony Hirst, data-guru at the Open University, had written an article comparing the coverage of that news by The Telegraph, the County Press and VentnorBlog.

He systematically breaks down each of the pieces of information reported and looks at how each publication chose to cover them.

It’s a fascinating read.

What’s left out
One of the most important lessons you learn early on in journalism training about understanding news – its creation and distribution – is it’s not always about what is put into an article, but what is left out.