Bastila’s Big Day Out

Bastila's Big Day OutNews reaches us via the forum that one of Ventnor’s many fantastic bands (and one of our favourites), Bastila will be playing up in the big smoke this coming Saturday night.

Being the sociable chaps that they are, they’ve decided to put on a bus to take all their loyal fans, up to the gig and back again – all for just a tenner and yes, this includes entrance to the venue!

They’ll be playing at The Fly, which is at the top of Oxford Street and the gig has been organised to celebrate their recent signing to Sunday Best, Rob Da Bank’s record label.

If you fancy a return trip to London to lend your support to Bastila and get a cracking good night out in the return, then listen up.

You’ll need to get yourself over to Southampton before 6.00pm on Saturday, as the coach will leave on the dot of 6pm. It returns to the same location after the gig at around 1.30-2.00am on Sunday morning.

If you’re interested, they have a few seat spare, so give Adam a call on 07812 892271.