Beautiful Gardens of Bonchurch

Bonchurch Steps - Auntie PIt’s that time of year again when several gardens in Bonchurch will open to the public.

If you fancy a good nose around someone else’s pansies, then head over to Bonchurch on either Saturday or Sunday between 2-5pm.

There are usually around 11 gardens open and you can buy a programme from either the Post Office (that quaint little one opposite the pond) or from St Boniface Church where you can also stop for a cream tea – open between 2.30pm and 5.30pm.

Last year they had a local arts and crafts exhibition and sale so don’t forget your cheque books as it may return again.

There are some really spectacular gardens in Bonchurch and it’s very generous of the owners to open their gardens for this event, so do show respect as you wander around and no taking cuttings without asking first!

Don’t forget to say where you heard about them.

Image: Auntie P