Better Days Cafe Inclusion Hub tote bag and keys

Better Days Cafe: Call for volunteers, needed this week prior to fundraising open day

Just three weeks ago News OnTheWight shared news about a new community venture in Ventnor, The Better Days Cafe.

The brainchild of Kirsty Chapman, The Better Days Cafe is a not-for-profit organisation aiming to provide a safe space offering training and work experience for those who feel excluded, as well as providing vital mental health support.

Huge community effort
Since picking up the keys to the old Central Pub (which has seen many guises over the last couple of decades) a tremendous community effort has taken place, with volunteers at the ready to help with cleaning, decorating and pulling the space together for opening.

Volunteers needed this week
This week, ahead of a fundraising Open Day on Saturday (19th from 10am) where there’ll be cake, coffee and a massive table top sale, volunteers are needed to help sort through the donations.

Kirsty will be there all this week from 10am to 3pm each day, sorting donations. Even if you can only spare an hour, it will be hugely helpful to her and this community project.

Long-term volunteers
On a longer term basis, volunteers are also sought to work at The Better Days Cafe. The hours will be 10am to 5pm seven days a week.

If you are able to commit to 2-3 hours a week that would be incredible. Kirsty says she can fit the rota around what people can offer.

Experience not needed and volunteers will be DBS checked.

You can get in touch with Kirsty or find out more via the Better Days Cafe social media account.

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