Bryan Adams Pledges Support For Isle of Wight’s Reclaim the Night March

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Bryan AdamsGlobal rock star Bryan Adams has pledged his support for a march and rally being organised by the Isle of Wight Domestic Abuse Forum.

Organisers invited the singer, who has links to the Island via his partner, to attend the Island’s Reclaim the Night march which is taking place on Friday 25 November from 7pm.

Unable to attend the march, the rock star instead pledged his support for the event: “I support the Isle of Wight’s Reclaim the Night event and the White Ribbon Campaign and make my pledge never to remain silent about violence against women of all ages. I hope that my support will help to raise awareness and I wish everyone a very successful evening,” he said.

A voice against domestic violence
Reclaim the Night started in the 1970s as a way of giving women a voice against domestic violence but since then has evolved into an event to raise awareness of issues around domestic abuse and to give victims, both men and women, the confidence to seek support.

Last year, the Island’s domestic abuse forum held its first Reclaim the Night march which saw more than 100 people take to the streets of Newport before gathering in the Minster for a candle-lit vigil.

The event coincides with White Ribbon Day, an international campaign to ensure men take more responsibility for reducing the level of violence against women.

Rally and vigil
The march will be followed by a rally in Sts Thomas’ Square where members of the public will be able to view displays from the emergency services, speeches from key community figures and a candle-lit vigil to show support for those affected by domestic abuse.

It is hoped Islanders will follow Bryan Adams’ lead by signing the ‘Real Man’ pledge as part of Women’s Aid’s ‘Real Man’ Campaign. The charity wants 10,000 men and women to pledge to stand up against domestic and sexual violence by 25 November 2011 – the same day as the Island’s Reclaim the Night march.

Delighted with support
Fleur Gardiner, domestic abuse co-ordinator at the Isle of Wight Council, said: “We are delighted that Bryan Adams has chosen to support our event which plays such an important role in raising awareness of what is often a hidden crime. Nationally, one in four women and one in seven men will suffer domestic abuse in their lifetimes and approximately 750,000 children across the UK witness domestic abuse each year – and in nine out of ten cases children will be in the same or next room as the abuse taking place.

“Reclaim the Night is about helping these hidden victims by encouraging communities to speak out against domestic abuse and report incidents when they are aware of them, either to the police or organisations that can provide specialist support and advice. We look forward to welcoming men and women to our event as we march together in solidarity against domestic abuse.”

In the lead up to the march and rally a number of properties in Newport will be decorating their windows with children’s socks hanging from washing lines as a way of drawing people’s attention to the plight of child victims. Lord Louis Library, Connexions and Dragonfly will each be supporting the initiative, with a further display in the Minster.

Image: quibert00 under CC BY 2.0