Bug Girl Rock The Wight Rock: Review

Thanks to Roger for his review of the Australian Duo, Bug Girl who played at the
Wight Rock Bar in Ryde last week. Ed

Bug Girl Rock The Wight Rock: ReviewWho put the Rock in the Wight Rock Bar?

Answer, well that was easy; Bug Girl.

Bug Girl are a hard rock band with awesome energy, from Australia. The duo played for nearly two hours, only stopping to re-tune Amber’s guitar which was bugging her (did I really say that)?

The musical brother-sister duo, made up of Amber guitars/vocals and Clinno drums/vocals, have an immense rawness to there well rehearsed set.

Playing 95% original songs, including tracks from their latest EP Blood Sweat & Beers, well worth having.

The audience appreciated their talent and energy; which Bug Girl could feel the vibes from, only the boat to the mainland prevented them from going on to the small hours of the night.

Their raw rock talent of this duo, Bug Girl filled the Wight Rock Bar to the point I kept looking to see where all the sound was coming from; convinced they must be using backing tracks from a lap-top but no it really was just the two of them.

We hope that they will come again on another European tour soon, a great night.

Image: Copyright Roger Regular