BURA Awards for Community Inspired Regeneration: Nominate Now

Island MP Andrew Turner, is today urging Islanders to put forward local regeneration projects for a prestigious National award.

BURA Awards for Community Inspired Regeneration: Nominate NowThe British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA) Award celebrates the achievements of exceptional grassroots regeneration projects around the UK.

If you can think of a project in your area that you know has made a difference to the community, why not take five minutes to visit the BURA Web site and make the nomination?

Current award holders include the Paddington Development Trust, which address the long term economic and social development inequalities in the Paddington area. In the last ten years, the Trust has managed to achieve funding of £22million which has led to a huge number of community led activities.

Mr Turner believes there are projects on the Island that deserve recognition.

“This is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the contribution Islanders make to the regeneration of their communities.

By investing their time and effort in these grassroots projects, Island residents make a big difference to the quality of life for everyone.

I hope Islanders will nominate one that has made a difference to their community.”