La Vie en Rose

The new film season starts next month when the Ventnor Film Society presents La Vie en Rose.

La Vie en RoseEdith Piaf is a legend in her native France where her life-story has entered national folklore.

Without Marion Cottilard this first major biopic would be a well-intentioned, beautifully shot and fascinating slice of French 20th century cultural history with a fine ensemble supporting cast.

It would also be unthinkable. The pretty 31-year-old is mesmerising.

Her Piaf is completely true to life – the gruff, imperious voice, the stoop, the penciled-in eyebrows and slash of a red mouth are all there – but this is much more than just a virtuoso act of mimicry.

As with Piaf herself, we never lose sight of the caged animal inside the diva.

This is a woman who, even at the height of her fame, is afraid everything around her might evaporate at any minute.

Dir: Olivier Dahan France 2007
140 mins
Cert 12A
Cast: Marion Cotillard, Gerard Depardieu, Emmanuelle Seigner

Venue: Ventnor Winter Gardens
Season Ticket for all 8 films: £30 (£20 Concessionary)
Single Ticket: £4.50 (£3.50 Concessionary)
Concessionary tickets are available to students, senior citizens and the unwaged.

All VFS presentations (apart from special events) take place on Tuesday evenings and start at 7.30pm. There is a bar in the building and guests may take drinks into film presentations. All are welcome; you do not have to belong to the Society in order to attend.