Isle of Wight MP, Robert Seely, says it's vital we protect shipbuilding on the Island. Adding that "We need a jobs agenda, not a house-building agenda".
Local councillor says as the largest employer in East Cowes, GKN's continued presence is "vitally important", not only to local economy, but also to the education of young people and the local communities.
For a second time this month, Isle of Wight MP raises concerns about the jobs of GKN workers should shareholders of the global engineering business accept the unsolicited takeover by Melrose.
GKN, based in East Cowes, picked up a Silver Health and Safety Award for achieving the most impressive or innovative improvement in the health and safety culture of the workplace.
Creating 50 new jobs in Fawley, MHI Vestas expands their UK industrial footprint with a new blade painting and logistics facility in the location of the former power station.
Bob Seely met with Gurit this week to understand their decision to axe 70 jobs on the Isle of Wight. He discovered it's the technical hub for Gurit worldwide with the company saying it's confident of its future here.
BAE say the job cuts are necessary to "align our workforce capacity more closely with near-term demand and enhance our competitive position to secure new business". BAE confirm how it will affect the Isle of Wight workforce.