Join others at Dinosaur Isle on Friday 10th March from 7pm for an evening of short presentations and general discussion on the effect of climate change and rising sea levels in Sandown, and the Island today and during the times of the dinosaurs.
Prof Robert Nichols (University of Southampton) leads research and education in coastal engineering. His research is focused on long-term coastal engineering and management, especially the issues of coastal impacts and adaptation to climate change, with an emphasis on sea-level rise.
Dr Martin Munt curator at Dinosaur Isle will be talking about the slow changes in sea levels 125-90 million years ago and Ian Boyd from ARC Consulting will be covering marine ecology and experiments in the Bay.
Free but booking necessary
There is free entry for the talks, but if you want to enjoy the homemade soup, sandwiches and doughnuts the charge will be £3.
Please ring 01983 404344 or email [email protected] to secure a place (so they know numbers for catering too).
Image: go_greener_oz under CC BY 2.0