Coastal erosion at Brook Chine:

Cafe Scientifique talk: Landslides, rockfalls and engineering geology

Thanks to Pam for this reminder of next week’s Cafe Scientifique talk. Ed

The fourth meeting Cafe Scientifique of the season will take place on Monday 8th April (7pm) at the Shanklin Conservative Club.

The speaker is Dr Alan Clark, a retired geologist and civil engineer with a wealth of experience.

Those members who came to the talk he gave at the Geological Society of the Isle of Wight (GSIW) in November will know what an interesting and good speaker he is. Alan will be talking about “Landslides, Rockfalls and Engineering Geology: The Island, Mainland and Overseas”.

Field Trip
Some of you may be interested in the following Field Trip looking at Landslides organised by the Geological Society.

The Field Trip will take place this coming Saturday 6th April. The society will be going to the Rocken End area near Niton.

Meet opposite the Buddle Inn at 10am. Please park alongside the Buddle Inn car park as they do not like people other than their customers to use the car park. The leader of the trip will be Steve Hutt, and the cost for non GSIW members will be £3 per person.

Neither members of the Geological Society or guests are covered by third party liability (third party insurance for these types of activities is prohibitively expensive).

If you come on the Field Trip it is at your own risk, and by coming on the field trip you are deemed to have accepted that it is at your own risk.

Image: Steve Parkes under CC BY 2.0

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