Chicane Blast Back In Ventnor 2007?

It seems like ages ago, but it was only just over a week back that the WhiteAir Extreme Sports Festival took place.

A short review follows later in the week, but in the meantime after a quick chat with Nigel Howell at the end of the festival, there’s some potentially good news for the return to Ventnor of the Chicane Blast next year.

winners final runWe know that there’s been lots of enthusiasm for the event over the years and many of you were looking forward to participating this year. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time for Nigel to sort out sponsorship, as he was working flat out to organise the main event.

Apparently, the guys who have previously run the Chicane Blast are well up for doing it again next year and all that is needed is the cash.

According to Nigel, it’s only about £2,000 that is needed. With a year to raise it, we thought it seemed more than achievable. Perhaps a donation from the town council, or some involvement from the Together team (great way to get the kids involved and feel part of what’s going on in town).

It’s also a great opportunity for local or island businesses to have a hand in this fantastic event with their advertising reaching a potentially huge market (especially as the event is also filmed).

Next year, White Air will be hosting the world windsurfing championships, so there should be lots more participants and spectators on the island. Given that the dates are also moving to over the August bank holiday weekend – holding the chicane blast in Ventnor is likely to draw huge crowds of holidaymakers.

As I say, we’ve got a year to sort out it, so if you’ve got any ideas on how the cash can be raised for this event, let us know.

Listen to the quick interview with Nigel Howell by clicking on the play icon below

If you’re still crying over the absence of the Chicane Blast this year, watching this video by Saft & Boneless might provide some relief (are those the dulcet tones of Billy Childish I hear in the background?)

It even stars our very own PC Pete!

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