Coastguard warns of coastal dangers

Following several incidents along the Devon and Dorset coast over the last few days of people being cut off from the tides and affected by landslides, this sensible advice from the Coastguard is worth noting.

Tide:Ros Evans, who is Watch Manager for Portland Coastguard said, “All of these incidents could have been avoided, if people check the tides.

“We currently have high spring tides at the moment, and we have also had several areas where the cliff structure is changing due to the natural effects of the weather.”

Check the tide times
She went on to say, “We would remind anyone going on a visit to the beach, to make sure they check the tide times and heed any warning signs relevant to the area they are visiting.

“Areas of the coast that have a history of unstable cliffs have warning signs displayed for that reason. Please make sure you if you are visiting these areas, that you read them and understand what they mean.”

In you see anyone in trouble at the coast, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

Image: Clinton Steeds under CC BY 2.0