Commonwealth Day celebrated at County Hall

Commonwealth Day flag raising

Thanks to Suzanne for this latest report. Ed

On Monday 10th March, Commonwealth Day was celebrated on the Island with Isle of Wight Council Chairman, Cllr Ian Ward, leading a flag raising ceremony outside of County Hall.

A specially written Commonwealth Affirmation was read out together with a message from HM The Queen before the Commonwealth flag was flown.

Dignitaries gathered
Several guests attended the short ceremony included Andrew Turner MP, Cllr Charles Chapman, Vice Chairman IWC and John Matthews, who attended in his capacity as Deputy Lord Lieutenant in the absence of the Lord Lieutenant, Martin White.

Historical Mace
Those attending marched in procession headed by the Civic Mace Bearer, who carried the Mace which was presented to Newport Borough by the then Governor of the Isle of Wight in the 1600s.

This procession was from the lower entrance to County Hall to a specially erected flagstaff to the right of County Hall’s original entrance.

After the ceremony the Commonwealth flag was moved to its permanent position on one of the main County Hall flagstaffs.