empowering islanders group shot l-r Peter Spink, Dave Adams, John Medland and Chris Jarman

Conservative leadership for Isle of Wight council: Empowering Islanders group to back motion

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A spokesperson for the Empowering Islanders group of councillors at County Hall have today confirmed they plan to support the motion that will put a Conservative councillor in the role of Leader of the Isle of Wight council next week.

“Few could have strived so hard in attempting to better the lives of Islanders”
A statement issued on behalf of the group – which includes Chris Jarman (formerly of the Alliance), John Medland (formerly of the Alliance), Dave Adams (formerly of the Alliance) and Peter Spink (former Conservative) – reads:

“We believe that the Executive Leader undertook and conducted her role over the past two years with diligence and fortitude and that few could have strived so hard in attempting to better the lives of Islanders, our Island economy and Council services.

“Recognising the many challenges ahead and the difficult decisions which must be made, Empowering Islanders believe the best route forward now for our Island is to establish a strong, stable administration and Leadership backed by the majority of elected Members, providing clear policy direction to Council staff, and able to call on the best talent available across the Chamber irrespective of political affiliations.”

Former plans faltered
A previous motion to remove the council leader, led by the Empowering Islanders Group, faltered at the July Full Council meeting after the Conservative leader, Councillor Suzie Ellis, revealed her Group would not support the motion being put forward by Councillor Chris Jarman.