Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak

Conservative leadership hopefuls to visit the Isle of Wight

The two Conservative Party leadership hopefuls, Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss will be visiting the Isle of Wight this coming weekend (5th-6th August).

Liz Truss will be heading to Isle of Wight Conservative Association in Newport on Friday afternoon.

On Saturday afternoon, Rishi Sunak will be heading to Sandown Bay. If he is a fan of beer or cheese, you might find him at the Boojum and Snark Cheese and Beer Festival.

Island Deal
All eyes will be on news of an Island Deal, one which was promised by Boris Johnson, but never materialised.

Local support
Isle of Wight Conservative MP, Bob Seely, has already declared his support for Liz Truss.

Leader of the Conservative Group of councillors, Joe Robertson is reported to have said he will vote for Rishi Sunak and that the majority of Conservative councillors will be following suit.

Source: IWCP

Image: Rishi Sunak by brucedetorres under CC BY 2.0 // Liz Truss by Just Click’s With A Camera under CC BY 2.0